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{ Category Archives } Teaching

theory and practice, anecdotes, and my ongoing education in education


Tomorrow, between class in the morning and the Write Group in the evening, I’ll attend what the school is calling a “job fair,” but is supposed to be rather less mechanized and more network-y. We’ll see. Naturally, I need to attend—I’ll be looking for employment next year. But I have a greater need than that. […]

Not Sinking In

“what am I doing wrong” syndrome

School of Hard Knocks

freak cases in schools

Study Buddies

workbooks and study groups: good idea?

Visionary Science

startling geophysics hypothesis


a moral hazard of philanthropy, too close to home

Mucking About

not all math is beautiful

Professional Hazards

legal advice to educators

Those Who Can’t Sit Still, Teach

Is behaving like a teenage student helpful for teaching one?

Barbarian Lecture

lecture series on Roman-barbarian relations